Monday, January 19, 2015

Oh, Valentine's Tree!

So, today, we finally completed the final item for our Valentine's tree!

The tree itself has been transitioned from Christmas--complete with new garland, hearts lights and ornaments galore--for a few weeks now, but it needed a new tree skirt. And since they don't really make Valentine's ones, we had to get our craft on! Woohoo.

So we bought some felt and some glittery hearts, I cut out the appropriate skirt shape, and we tackled the project this morning.

Chica sorted the colors and sizes of the hearts she liked...

Then pointed to the spot she wanted one...

Then I used the glue gun to prep and place before Chica smooshed the heart down really good, hehe.

And so it went until we had enough hearts on there.

She focused so much better once she had the banana in hand. Creativity is draining, I tell ya! Don't want no hangry toddlers 'round these parts.

I think she was pretty happy with the results.

And she asked to take it upstairs to the tree right away :)

I was soooo glad when my sweet Chicklet woke from her nap to check out the new addition. This is her saying, "hayeeeey, all." (And for the record, don't ask your girly toddler what sissy should wear today if you're not ready for the answer to be "princess dress." Ha.)

I just love how much my girls have enjoyed their transitioned tree.

I've got plans for it to make one final transition into a Spring/Easter tree next, and then we'll finally tuck it away so it will be special when we get it back out for the holidays.

Happy Monday, peeps!

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