Sunday, January 4, 2015

Transition Time!

So, the best part of the holidays is, well, everything.

And the worst part of the holidays is, well, the end of everything.

(*Pause for [my] theatrical weeping as we observe a moment of silence for the "retired" family Christmas tree.)

And now...we must move on.

Cold, I know, but we just gotta.

So by way of transition...why yes, yes those are hearts on the mantle behind the tree. Because I decided that the best way to avoid the post-holiday pit of depression that befalls the best of us is to gear up for the next celebration.


Obnoxious, I know. I mean, it's only a few days post New Year's. And I'm not even a hearts person! Never loved 'em--or this particular holiday. (Or the color red. But that's a whole other color-wheel discussion for another day.)

But it's not about me, it's about my sweet, enthusiastic, beloved girlies who are totally bummed by all the holiday hoopla and decor that's just disappearing everywhere.

It's devastating, I tell ya!

So I'm embracing the hearts and the sappy (and even the red...but just a little; I'm gonna go for the pink when possible). Whatever I have to do to make my babies smile. Like this:

Even Chica's hopping on the bandwagon, as evidenced by her selection of a red sucker during our grocery outing this weekend (just trust me when I tell you it's a major deal that she strayed from blue).

Stay tuned in the coming days as I share pics of the playroom Christmas tree that's soon to be a Valentine's one instead.

Yay, for something to get our creative juices flowing as we all return to the official real world/normal routine tomorrow. 

I hope you all had an amazing and blessed holiday season. 

Onward and heart-ward!


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