Thursday, January 1, 2015

Things I Know For Sure (I Think)

So, a few days ago, as I was reflecting on our blessed 2014, I had the realization that 2015 is the last full year I will have with Chica all to myself, since she'll start preschool in the Fall of 2016.

I know it's probably crazy-silly and a bit nutty to think of something that far out, but I tend to process the growth of my girls quite often because I'm sooooooo hyper-aware of how fleeting this special, cocooned time is before school and social and extra-curricular activities infringe upon our daily lives.

But...the point of me sharing this isn't to wax poetic about how fast time flies. 

Nope, my point is to give you a little insight into my crazy brain (super scary in there...beware!).

Because after I had the thought about 2015 being Chica's last full year at home before preschool, I somehow started thinking of other things that were certainties in 2015, and it became a game of sorts, like this:

I Know That In 2015...

1. Chicklet will learn to walk. (Yep, I'm talking about you, cutie pie.)

2. Chicklet will learn to talk.

3. I will turn thirty(something). 

4. Chica will learn her numbers and real counting. (Yep, I'm talking about you, my sweet nugget.)

5. I will continue to challenge my girls' development and creativity. (Even when it causes me extra work--like with our new bathtub crayons.)

You get the idea...these are very broad generalities, and a couple are a bit silly, but there's something so comforting (at least to me) about sitting back and knowing for sure that there are beautiful things on the horizon for this New Year.

It's a fun game to think about, I swear. Try it, and I'm pretty dang sure you'll find one--or maybe a ton--of things to look forward to in 2015.

And that's great for alleviating the post-holiday letdown!


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