Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stained Glass Craft

A couple weeks ago, I ran across this nifty peel-and-stick stained glass window kit at Tar-jay, and snagged it for a random day when we wanted to get our craft on.

And yesterday was that day :)

It was so easy and self-explanatory. Came with a numbered code thingy (sort of like paint by numbers), so it was pretty fool-proof.

The stickers were quite heavy-duty so I helped Chica position the tougher ones and then she pressed with a lot of oomph. (And of course, leave it to my blue-obsessed firstborn to want to start with that color first, hehe.)

It had 81 pieces altogether (translation: way too many for a toddler's attention span), so we did a handful and took a break to check out our handiwork.

Then later in the afternoon, we brought it up to the playroom to keep working on it.

And sweet Chicklet got to check things out, too :)

Loved this project. And I especially love the pieces that are just a little off-kilter, hehe.

And though it was fun to do together, I bet it would be really fun for, say, a 6-year-old who could coordinate the pieces to their appropriate spots all on their own.

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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