Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Weekend For A Celebration

A lot o' lovely events took place this weekend--and that's precisely why I'm going to keep this post short and sweet and tell you more about the fun tomorrow, when I've (hopefully) recovered. Teaser tidbits...

#1: This babe (that'd be my maternal grandmother) celebrated ninety years of life. So in turn, we trekked up to Illinois to celebrated her.

#2: Chicklet survived her first air travel. Or more notably--Mama and Daddy survived with both girls and weather delays for de-icing :)

#3: Because we pick only the most opportune times to travel, it looked like this only a couple hours before our return flight today:

(Side note: I'm not a totally irresponsible parent [well, not most of the time]; Chicklet was only out there for a quick pic.)

#4: Chica got a proper play in the snow. And when she asked Mama to do a snow angel, Mama did...even though she was in her PJs. Brrrrrr.

But come on...who can resist this sweetness, I ask you???

#5: Both girls got in a lot of second cousin time. And it was adorable.

And the big kids (that'd be us) got in a lot of sibling time, and aunt and uncle time, and cousin time, and, well, you get the picture.

Very special weekend to see family.

And I'm predicting a very special night's sleep tonight ;) Exhaustion is the best sleep-aid.

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