Sunday, March 15, 2015

Easter Tree

Well, friends, it's been over three months now that our Christmas tree has been up in the playroom, and it's gone through three iterations in that time--the last of which will be its swan song before finally disappearing and returning around November when it's time to deck the halls again.

The Valentine's version was lovely and festive, and helped us get through the holiday slump. And now, the Easter version is a refreshing pop of fun spring color to finish out our tree extravaganza.

We began the transition a few weeks ago, but it was a work in progress for awhile, so I waited to post pics. But it's pretty much done at this point (except for a tree topper, which I have yet to decide on), so heeeeeere's the photo record of its development:

First, we stripped the tree bare and spread out the fun, felt, Easter egg garland I bought:

The girlies helped to wind it around and position it just right:

Then we added just a handful of cute Easter sweater ornaments I found on Etsy, and that was it for awhile:

A little sparse, but still cute:

Then, a week or so later, I finally sized and cut the blue felt we'd found into the perfect tree-skirt size and Chica put it in position:

Nice fit, eh?

But again, that was it for awhile, until another week or so passed and I finally found these cute, felt, Spring stickers to adorn the skirt with:

I set Chica to work one afternoon (it was nice this round not to have to hot glue anything) and she was very precise about her vision, hehe:

A straight little line of flowers and words, just to her liking:

Of course, my wee one joined in the fun to add a bit of flare:

And...this is how we wrapped up that day: very minimalistic, by Chica's demand--ha:

But, look--days later, I noticed that Chica was inspired to add more to the skirt, just as is hoped when I left the stickers out for her to reach. The clustering makes me smile :)

Then the finishing element to really make the tree come to life came via Nanna, who painstakingly created butterflies and eggs and bunny ears and flowers and lambs and chicks at her daughter's bossy command. I just love forcing her to get crafty, 'cause she can't say no :)

We love our Easter tree.

(And, yes, yes, that is my eldest in the above pic wearing a nightgown, mismatched Sofia PJ pants underneath, Elsa heels and a Doc McStuffin's doctor's bag. Ha.)

It's going to be a bit sad when the tree goes away in a few weeks, but it's had a good run, and I'm marinating ideas about what might go in its place.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

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