Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fly And Breathe Free!

This evening, for the first time in WEEKS, we were blessed with the sun. And I gotta tell ya--it was the most therapeutic thing in the world after the sick ick that has plagued our household for the past week. I literally felt like my lungs were cycling new air for the first time, and I know my girlies felt the same.

We let Chica run wild in a little outdoor play area after dinner, and poor Chicklet was just itching to race after her (hint: if you start walking, my sweet baby, you can!).

I even delayed bath time tonight to drag the family on one of the evening walks I've so desperately missed during the short, winter days. And it was heaven.

Don't want to say it too loud, but (okay, I'll whisper) I do feel a bit of Spring in the air! 

Happy Weekend, peeps (at least, it's weekend for my crew, because Daddy's off work now for a loooooong, happy weekend!).

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