Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Life Blip: Make It A Double!

There are a handful of life snippets that have accumulated in my brain over the past weeks and months, yet somehow, they never seem to make it into a blog post.

You know, those endearing little idiosyncrasies that seem so normal to your daily life that you forget they might be unique to your kids or household, and you for sure don't want to forget them twenty years down the line.

So for the next few days I think I'm going to share these tidbits--maybe a couple a day, just for kicks.

First, I give you..a peek at Chica's drinking habits.

For a couple months now, she's been requesting both chocolate milk and "juice" (Sunny Delight)--at once.

In side-by-side glasses, with multi-colored straws, they sit on our kitchen island pretty much throughout the entire day.

The best part is that she asks for them in one, freaking-adorable, run-on word. "Mama, I want chocolatemilkandjuice." The "and" is always emphasized with a little higher-pitch inflection, and it just slays me.

She needs something for breakfast?


A little thirst quencher after her nap?


It's an odd combo, and, yes, I'm aware that I get the Terrible Mother of the Year award by serving her so much sugar (Does it help if I tell you the chocolate milk is organic and enhanced with DHA? I do care about her health, I swear.), but she loves it, and I love that someday, I'll look back on these drinking habits of hers and smile.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Disclaimer: I know it seems like this post is no different than any other random post so is it really a "Blip"? But I swear the ones to follow will be short (and hopefully sweet!).

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