Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Soccer Field Project

I think my eldest finally, finally, turned a corner today and is feeling better. (Sadly, my sweet little Chicklet--and I, for that matter--is still a couple days behind her.) But...I powered through my sickness to fake a normal day (kinda sorta, but not really; called Daddy home midday for reinforcement) and do a project!

Good timing, because we got our monthly Kiwi Crate a few days ago...

I'm not gonna lie--when Chica picked the soccer field for today's task, I thought it was going to be a bit lackluster, but I reserved my judgment and we dove in:

She helped put the beads on the sticks that formed the top of the soccer goals:

Meanwhile...Mama assembled the actual field. And then we were ready for stickers:

Of course, the world is a kid's canvas, so the stickers didn't stay on the field:

(Those are soccer cleats, btw, which Chica dubbed "Goofy's shoes." I can sort of see the resemblance. And I think it's hilarious she put them on her feet.)

Lastly, we taped our little people (that Chica punched out of the perforated paper, only decapitating one in the process) to our straws, and we were ready to go.

Little Pom-Pom balls were the soccer balls and we took turns making goals.

Wouldn't have guessed it to hold her attention, but she was pretty keen on playing, and even asked to tape another little person to a straw so she had multiple player options. Plus, she proudly showed it to Daddy when he got home (unprompted, mind you), so I give it a thumbs up!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

I think we've all had our lowest days 'round this casa, so here's hoping we all feel even better maƱana!

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