Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Weekend Play-By-Play

Okie dokie, peeps! I've got loads more pictures to share from our weekend in Illinois. But since the oodles of pics are way more interesting that any text, I'll keep the captions short and sweet!

Heeeeeeeeere, we go!


Our airport salvation, in the form of a Junior Flyer's Club play area to keep our bundles of energy entertained before takeoff:

Airplane entertainment = ANYTHING you have to do to keep kid quiet. Including letting them suck antibacterial wipes:

Upon survival of flight, kiddos bundled up for the brrrrrrrr cold weather:

And wee Chicklet passed out COLD in the car after so much activity:

Then, after a lovely car ride with my bros and sister-in-law, we met up with my paternal Aunt and it was so, so wonderful to see her:

(Can't resist posting this second pic where Chicklet is trying to check out Uncle Justin's beard, hehe.)

Then we finally made it to our destination for the rest of the weekend, where...(drumroll please), Chicklet met her great-grandmother (and the lady of the weekend).


After a good night's sleep (and I mean that seriously--the girls did great!), it was party time!

It was super fun to see all the second cousins play at the par-tay:

They had such fun:

And I was so busy chasing the wee mischief-makers and enjoying watching them play, that I didn't take a SINGLE picture of the birthday girl. So here, allow me to share another pic of her youthful fabulousness:

Now, back to the pictures I did take:

More mischief:

And then later, at home, we all kicked up our heels--literally (I mean, just look at those freaking ADORABLE bare legs):

And a few of the lovely ladies did a project:


Then, after another good night's sleep (and again, I can't believe I mean that seriously), we woke up to this:

Which meant we just had to dress up Chica like this:

So that she could smile like this:

(Side note: I have soooooooo many adorable pics of Chica playing in the snow that I'll do a separate post maƱana. 'Cause they're just too cute not to share.)

And finally...we headed to the airport and cuddled some more like this:

We were so lucky to make it home despite the iffy weather. And even luckier to have such a jam-packed, family-filled weekend.

We don't get to see extended family very often, but it's so lovely when we do.

Special weekend.

Lots of memories.

All for the crazy/loved Mamaw who can take credit for us all.

Happy Tuesday, peeps :)

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