Tuesday, April 28, 2015

And Baby Makes Five!

Well, peeps, I'm FINALLY getting around to announcing on this here blog that Chicklet is getting a promotion to Big Sis, and the good fortune of being the middle child of our family unit (just like her Mama was).

That's right...we're having a third kiddo!

Cue the cuteness of "Best Big Sis" shirts:

If I were truly on top of important things, like these may-jah life announcements, I would've posted this news ages ago, as I'm already almost 18 weeks along.

But...I think it's safe to say that my planning and organization flew by the wayside a couple kids and a few thousand lost brain cells ago ;)

Still, better late than never, and MUCH MORE to come--including the gender reveal (only a couple weeks away now!), the pain--and fun--of playing bedroom switcheroo around our casa, and the fears of strapping three squirming kiddos into car seats just to run to the grocery store!

If I were on Twitter, I'd probably hashtag something like this:






Beyond blessed, we are. And looking forward to an even crazier ride!

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