Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Bluebonnets 2015

We interrupt this Easter Weekend recap to bring you a gazillion bluebonnet pics from our fun outing today.

Chicklet had her one-year doctor's appointment this morning and it just so happened to be just down the street from the bluebonnet field we visited when Chica was about the same age. So we planned a pit stop and wore our pretty dresses.

The bonnets were just starting to bloom, but it was a beautiful day and we were able to get some lovely shots before Chica started noticing every teeny, tiny bug (still in her paranoid stage!) and started to freak--ha.

Love getting these gorgeous moments of my girlies in fun locales.


Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Oh, and Chicklet's checkup stats! Weight was 17 pounds, 6 ounces (15th percentile), and height was 29 inches (40th percentile). So she's a bit petite but lean and perfectly healthy! Oh, and she's STARTING TO WALK!!! More on that this week as she continues taking steps!

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