Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter Weekend 2015--Sunday

So I'm a week late in gathering up a few pics from Easter Sunday last weekend, and as soon as I started going through them, I sort of realized why I wasn't super-motivated to post!

It was an über-rainy, gray morning, which made lighting difficult, since I never use a flash. Add to that the fact that my two girlies are also über-active, and you end up with very few pics that aren't blurry and too dim to be usable.

But...enough excuses! I still have a few lovely pics, and luckily, lots of lovely memories of this combined Easter/Chicklet's First Bday celebration.

So here goes...

Here they are checking out some of their Easter basket goodies:

They only had a few minutes to play with things before we left for church, but we took our time looking through everything later that evening.

Here's my sweet baby in her sweet dress (that I didn't get a great shot of at any point--ha):

Here's Chica having some fun with some adorable, paintable cookies her Grandma Dada brought for her (and her sister):

Give that girl an art project and she's golden :)

Here's Chica and the hubby's Aunt Nancy:

And here we are attempting a family shot. Always an unsuccessful feat at this stage of the game--ha:

But look how cute this one is:

And this one:

And lastly, my girlies chillin' (with balloons in hand) after things were winding down.

It was a lovely and low-key morning, and that's just what I was hoping for. So I'd definitely take more of the same next year--except maybe not the rain ;)

Happy Monday, peeps!

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