Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Growth Chart Project

For the past year, Chica and I have usually done our craft projects when Chicklet's down for her morning nap. But for six weeks or so, that morning nap has been phasing out.

At this point, Chicklet just goes in her crib for 20-ish minutes of non-sleeping downtime to play with some books, decompress (and maybe take care of a little stinky business in peace), just as Chica did at her age. It's a great, swift break for everyone, but doesn't really allow enough time for a project, as that's usually when I have to snag the chance to get ready for the day.

So...our project time has been in flux. And I've been experimenting with ways to work around that without easing up on the creative fun I love so much. So this week, we carted our monthly Kiwi Crate project upstairs (since it didn't involve any paint or messy supplies) and let Chicklet join in.

Enter...our new growth chart!

We started by placing this fun, indented plastic sheet under some leaf stickers so that when we colored them in, there would be natural striations, just like real leaves.

Hi, my sweet, curious Chicklet :)

I helped her color a few in.

And she was pretty pumped just to be at the table, hehe.

Chica is so in love with coloring and drawing these days that this was really up her alley.

And who doesn't love placing stickers??

It was a dreary day yesterday when we did this, so this shot has terrible coloring, but you get the idea. We measured the girls up, put their initials by the marks, and hung the chart so we could admire it all day :)

Love our projects and hope we get into a good grove as Chicklet gets old enough to be more help than mayhem.

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