Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Chica Shun Averted

I've posted before about our beloved eldest giving Daddy the cold shoulder when he comes home from work because he's dared to leave her for the day (the audacity!).

Well, my friends, grandparents aren't exempt from the I-love-you-so-much-I'm-going-to-shun-you-when-you-leave-me act either. And I just so happened to catch such an act in progress today. Though it was thwarted rather quickly...a rarity for my committed eldest.

Here's the child happily posing with Grandma, Grandpa and Sister:

Here's the child a few minutes later, curling into a ball of emotion because Grandma and Grandpa are about to walk out the door:

Here's the child attempting to resist Grandpa's sweet coaxing techniques--but failing when he mentions the trump card: an upcoming lake trip in a few weeks, complete with cousins:

Here's the child surrendering to Grandma's hug--with the promise of grandparent-cousin lake fun soon:

And here's the child saying to herself: man, I really have these suckers wrapped around my finger:

But for good measure, even after Grandma and Grandpa are officially on the road, here's the child hiding for a bit behind the kitchen setee. Just to show she might have been lured out of her emotional ball for a bit, but she's still going to make her I-love-you-so-I-have-to-shun-you feelings known:

Love my girl--even (or perhaps especially) when she makes peeps work for her affection. Ha.

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