Sunday, May 3, 2015

An Apple A Day

Chica doesn't eat apples.

Something about the consistency puts her off.

But, she loves to pick them out at the grocery store, and I usually let her, just for kicks (even though her chosen fruit is usually dropped, tossed and rolled so much by the time we get to checkout, it's practically inedible).

Today, when Chicklet fussed, Chica have her an apple, too, and it took me awhile to notice that for some time thereafter, she was unusually silent and cooperative in the cart. 

Of course, it was because the little bugger was working her way through the apple :)

By the time we were nearly done with our shopping, she'd gnawed a decent bit of the skin. Probably felt good on her little teeth that have really been bothering her this week.

And of course, I'm thrilled that she appears to like the taste. 

But I'm even more thrilled that an apple a day (whilst grocery shopping) apparently keeps her crazy at bay. I'll have to remember that for next time.

My poor, sweet, little moody girl. I'll be happy when this sudden round of teething passes.

Until then, she'll get some extra TLC (by demand--ha) like she did during naptime today.

Happy Sunday, peeps.


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