Monday, May 25, 2015

Rainy Muddy Pics

What to do, what to do when you have...

a tiny one-year-old who has a raging case of crankiness (from not going to sleep until 2 a.m.), and an even ragier (yep, I'm makin' it a word) case of viral rash that prevents you from going to church (where she'd scream her bloody head off) or really anywhere else that involves basic human interaction on a civilized level???

Why, you dress your kids is $3 Walmart outfits and send them out in the rain and mud to go nuts, of course.



Yep, that's what we did yesterday when we were at a loss to do anything else.

Of course, I had grand delusions of beautiful yet hilarious mud-covered kiddo pics that didn't quite happen. But...we did utilize the cutest, most vibrant umbrella on the planet, and I ended up with a shot of each of them (the first two below) from Uncle Justin's actual camera that I just love. The rest are my iPhone pics.

It was a riot, a disaster, a success, and a mess (seriously, I had to strip them and dump them straight in the bath, and then clean their bathroom from top to bottom afterward).

But we dug it. And I hope you dig the pics.

Happy Memorial Day, peeps.


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