Sunday, May 24, 2015

Room Switcheroo Has Begun!

Today, Uncle Justin dissembled the downstairs guest bed--woohoo!

It was only fitting, considering he helped assemble it to begin with. Gotta love the circle of (furniture) life.

This was Step 1 in the Room Switcheroo.

After I've donated the dissembled frame, etc., then we'll move on to:

Step 2: Moving the upstairs guest room furniture to the emptied downstairs room and getting things all happy happy, joy joy.

Step 3: Moving Chica's furniture to Baby BOY's room (formerly upstairs guest bedroom), because it makes more sense than buying a third crib.

And last but not least...

Step 4: Getting Chica new big girl furniture :)

It's a lot to plan out and rearrange with the right timing, but it's a fun kind of challenge and I'm glad Step 1 has begun with plenty of time to get to the rest without stressing about the due date.

Yay for the Switcheroo!

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