Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pantry Raider

A few weeks ago, not long after she got the whole walking thing down, Chicklet started this freaking adorable habit of meandering into the pantry, retrieving one of her fruit & veggie pouches that she loves so much, then proudly showing me her prize (and none too subtly demanding I open it for her.)

It's pretty much the cutest thing ever to see my pint-sized tot so competently fetching her own snacks.

Even if she does make a bit of a mess.

Since it's pretty common for Big Trouble to join Little Trouble in there, I wasn't worried when they shut themselves in after dinner...until Chica--ever the watchful big sister--ran out to find me and holler, "sissy's eating chocolate!"

And boy was she.

Note to self: don't keep Uncle Justin's homemade caramels on a low shelf.

Another note to self: Chicklet can apparently open Tupperware.

I love the crazy kid, and gotta admire the fact that she had one caramel in her mouth, one in her hand, and made a mad-grab for two more when I reached for the container.

She's no dummy. And I can't really blame her.

But I will keep the caramels higher--and hope she just keeps munching the Olaf snow come machine instead.

Or maybe just some fruit snacks ;)

Love my crazy second born like mad.

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

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