Sunday, July 5, 2015

My Water Crazies!

I'm soooo happy to report that our membership to the pool has totally paid off.

The girls just LOVE it.

And by "LOVE" I mean LUUUUUUUUV.

They're bananas for the water.

Completely smitten.

Ecstatic little fish babies.

Over-the-moon for their water time.


Floating vessels of happiness.

H2Oh, Joy.

I'm not sure I can emphasize enough--or have I tried too much??--just how happy they are with our brief but fun-filled pool visits.

It's still great that, 'round trip, each visit is just an hour, because our fearless Chicklet is a LOT of work in the water.

But it's soooo worth it to see them so happy, enjoying some energetic sun time.

Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend. Crazy nuts that we're already to the unofficial mid-point of summer!

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