Friday, July 17, 2015

Ridin' Buddies

If there's anything cuter than my two, beloved babes holding hands in the backseat of the car, I sure as heck don't know what it is.

I mean, seriously. I die.

This moment is brought to you by (drum roll, puh-lease), Chica's big girl booster seat that she transitioned to about two weeks ago. Woohoo!

It's all part of the cycle of car seat life that's making way for Baby Boy. :)

Chica's in her booster earlier than some kids her age, because she's so dang tall that she more than meets the qualifications.

And that paved the way for Chicklet to take over Chica's old seat and face forward (in the hopes that she'll be less of a car rage-a-holic. Apparently, she was no longer a fan of facing the boring seat back, and she let us know--loudly).

It's always a bit tough on me when we make these transitions because I worry and second-guess like millions of mothers out there. Should they still face backward? Is this booster safe enough?

But at the end of the day, I just have to trust the seats that I buy, look ahead to the slightly hilariously but wonderful thought of three kiddoes lined up in a row back there, and appreciate the heck out of the hand-holding the new positions afford :)

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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