Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chica's First Dance Class!

Today, my dear friends, was a monumental day.

A monumental day, indeed.

Because Chica attended her very first ever dance class!

To be honest, the idea of putting her in a class (at least, at this age) came to me only recently, so there hasn't been much time to mentally prepare for this fun event.

It all started brewing just last week when we wrapped up our summer swim lessons (more on that in a later post) and I started mulling over feasible activities for her to participate in throughout the Fall once Baby Boy arrives (and unfortunately, for a handful of reasons, swim isn't one of them).

So...I happened to remember there was a dance studio literally right around the corner from our neighborhood (like, we could walk there if super hard-pressed), so I made a call, and voila!, they had the option of a 45-minute combined ballet and tap class for three and four-year-olds :)

Honestly, I'd hoped for a break for a week or two before launching into our next adventure, but open enrollment had already started and they encouraged us to come by for a trial class, time like the present!

First up: an excursion to Target to buy the proper gear :)

Surprisingly, Chica wasn't too keen on getting in the ensemble this morning (even though she picked it out at the store).

Nor was she too keen on the idea of going at all (though, of course, she had no clue where we were headed and why). 

And since I'm ginormously pregnant and weary of physical battles, I came close to just saying let's try again next week, but boy am I glad I powered through.

Because it only took her a minute or two--and a glance at the other girls in their own tutus--for her to warm up upon arrival.

The setup of the studio is really great, as they have a rectangular-shaped waiting area with seating (that was entertaining enough for Chicklet to climb upon), as well as large observation windows to check out the action.

I took some video that I'll post at a later time, but here are some pics:

Of course, occasionally, I played the part of that obnoxious mother, distracting her child through the glass--ha.

But can you blame me?? First. Ever. Dance. Class. 

I'm so proud of her for jumping right in. And, man, did she think the tap shoes were pretty nifty :)

The end goal of this new activity is multi-faceted. Of course I want her to experience new things. And of course I want her to get physical activity and socialization.

But most importantly, I'm aware of the fact that some sort of entry into a preschool environment will be upon us at some point next year, and I think it's so important for her to have time where she's in the charge of an adult and not her parent, so she can continue to dip her toe into that independence and separation without anxiety (on her part, or mine).

My plan is to hang around (with my trusty sidekick, Chicklet) for the next few classes, and then after Baby Boy's arrival, I know Chica will be acclimated to the point that I can drop her off and head home during class and return, if need be. Which is one major benefit of the studio being so dang close.

All good things, peeps. All good things.

Oh, and for the record, she asked to stay in her ensemble for hours after class, which was another major victory, considering her unwillingness to put it on.

Yay for the small victories!

And double yay for another first for my beautiful girl!

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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