Thursday, August 13, 2015

Highs and Lows

Well, peeps. The "adventures" continue 'round these parts.

Heeeere's my eldest, passed out in time out, after working herself into an epic I-will-not-go-quietly-into-the-night (er, nap) tantrum:

Let's zoom in, shall we???

Aaaaand, closer still:

If the above had a caption, it would be something like: "Beloved but bat-crazy-over-exhausted child tests the limits of sleep deprivation--yet again."

And...not to be outdone by Big Sis, my cherished secondborn continued her new and "fun" streak of waking up from a way-too-short nap, screaming at the top of her lungs, in need of major consoling. 

This is her calmer alter-ego, after a soothing shower with Mama:

I swear these two somehow signed up for a study behind our backs. Something about testing the mental limits of ginormously pregnant women during triple-digit heat.

I think I'm failing.


But...I refuse to be brought down (well, not for a great length of time) by the chaos and misbehavior that is fast becoming the norm around this house! 

Instead, I will stand strong (if a little tired), and focus on the good times. Like our lovely morning of errands, lunch, and a visit to the indoor play place they love.

It's been a couple months since we've been. (Where has the time gone???) So needless to say, they were pretty dang pumped. And it was amazing to see Chicklet's advancements in independence (translation: she's my fearless monkey) since her last visit.

And now, without further bomb:

I absolutely LOVE my girlies like crazy.

I guess we're just going to have greater emphasis on the crazy for the foreseeable future.

Happy Thursday!

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