Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Beloved Middle

My beautiful babes have been a little under the weather (some sort of head cold/congestion) over the past few days. 

It started with Chica, and Chicklet soon followed.

Which means that for the first time in months and months, my wonderful, independent sleeper has needed some comfort at night and during nap time.

And I gotta say...though I miss the sleep, the cuddling is no sacrifice.

I sometimes worry about my beloved second born losing her rank as the baby of the house.

At only 16 months, her days of being the youngest are numbered.

Has she gotten her fair share of unbridled love and attention as the baby, I wonder?

Will she adjust well to sharing Mama's lap with another, more dependent sibling?

It's during quiet, precious times like today that I find peace amidst my mommy worries.

Both my girls will be okay as we expand our family to include one more. And Chicklet, in particular, will be just fine as a middle child.

I know this firsthand.

And it's a special sibling rank I love sharing with her.

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