Thursday, September 3, 2015

Happy Haircuts!

Why on WHY have we suffered through multiple boring, slightly traumatic haircuts at standard locales, when we could have been going to a KIDS' HAIRCUT place all along????

I have no answer, dear peeps. Except to claim ignorance.

But as of today, I have seen the light.

Chica was getting a little shaggy, but protesting the idea of a cut. In fact, all morning, once I told her we were going, she could be heard alternately begging, crying, or solemnly requesting not to go. Repeatedly. Ad nauseum.

But I powered through, we went to this fun, new place, and it was...miraculously happy and easy! (Cue choir of angels rejoicing.)

The setup is fantastic (kids pick their own movie). Plenty of distracting play items abound for siblings. And the staff members are totally accustomed to potential crying and/or likely squirming.

Chica was a CHAMP. I was so proud :)

And sweet Chicklet had quite the blast.

In fact, they both did so well that I decided to plop Chicklet in the chair for her first official cut (!) since the couple I've given her have been less-than-stellar.

She did great for the first minute, and then the tears came, ha.

But the movie and two suckers (the first got a bit hairy--ha) kept her still long enough to finish up.

Both girlies look so cute and fresh. 

YAY for healthy hair! You know, in case things get nutty 'round these parts in the coming weeks and things like haircuts fall by the wayside--ha.

Now if only I could figure out how to fit in a dental appointment for myself before the birth.

You think they'd mind if I dragged both girls along??? Ha. That'd be a NO-GO.

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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