Monday, October 12, 2015

2 Weeks

Well, peeps. Two major things happened today.

First: Baby Boy celebrated two weeks of life on the outside :)

And the second--equally miraculous--event for the day: ALL THREE OF MY CHILDREN SLEPT AT THE SAME TIME.

Our sleep trials and tribulations with Chica have been no secret, and we're very much still battling that war.

But...we might (might might might) have made a small breakthrough on the Quiet Time front yesterday.

I'll share more later if it proves to be true. But for today, I'll report that it shocked the ever-loving-daylights
out of me when she requested to nap. (How many languages can I say "YES!" in???)

Such a beautiful, beautiful thing, to have my house full of sleeping babes.

And equally as beautiful to understand that--yet again--God has graced me with a small reprieve at just the moment I needed it. Tomorrow might be another battle, but having his tiny peaceful slicer today was truly a blessing.

Happy Monday, peeps!

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