Friday, November 6, 2015

Candy Apple Poms

Tonight, before a very late bath and bed time, we had a comically foiled dinner at Cracker Barrell (you name a traffic, dining or kid-centric "challenge" and we faced it).

But before that, we had a blast watching (and acting out) a new episode of PJ Masks.

And before that, we had a lovely lunch out with Daddy.

And before that--thanks to what is slowly revealing itself to be a standard morning nap time for Baby Boy--us girls had
project time, that resulted in these cutie-pie patooties:

Candy apples! Aren't they so cute???

I saw the kit at Target the other day on a display with a handful of fresh autumn/Thanksgiving crafts and I snatched 'em up stat! 'Cause I've learned they disappear fast.

I love these kind of contained projects that require nothing but the removal of sticky adhesive and assembly :)

Of course, Chicklet is still best at adhesive removal combined with a bit (or a lotta bit) of destruction. Ha. But we still enjoy her "help" and participation.

Chica was totally into it. Loved the sprinkles for the top of the little apples.

They really are pretty adorable.

I had to put the first completed one on Baby Boy's shelf, out of Chicklet's destructive reach.

Soon, he had friends :)

We left for lunch with Daddy before we completed them all, so we'll probably play a bit more tomorrow. But Chica already gifted one to her backdoor neighbor buddy as we pulled out of the driveway.

In other things-I-loved-doing-this-Friday news...snuggles with my tiny man:

We had some good quality cuddling time, for which, I'm always so grateful. It's so lovely for him to get some Mama one-on-one time when possible.

Can't believe my guy is just about six weeks old. October...where did you go???

Thanksgiving, here we come!


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