Thursday, November 12, 2015

Handprint Turkeys!

This morning, we had a rare, golden half hour of Baby Boy snoozing happily in his swing after breakfast.

So what did we ladies do?? We made haste and did a project!

I whipped out the paint and brushes and some cards I'd purchased, and set about the fun task of purposely getting messy, hehe.

I wanted to try this last Thanksgiving, but the girls were way too young and wiggly. But this year, Chica agreeably posed for hand/turkey painting.

How cute is this shot?

She was so precise, it worked so well!

So I rewarded her by letting her loose with the brush because she wanted Mama to make a turkey, too.

Again, very precise :)

She's holding it upside down, but you get the point. And tomorrow, we'll draw in a few more details with colored pencils, then hopefully mail a few out if we're really productive in the next couple of days.

Oh, and sweet Chicklet cooperated long enough for a couple of adorable, smeared turkeys of her own. I was just too busy running paint interference to catch any pics!

Tomorrow I'll share more about the other MAJOR fun of the day: getting out the playroom Christmas tree! Woohoo!

The weekend is almost upon us, peeps.

Happy Thursday!

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