Friday, November 13, 2015

Pantry Purge

After every kiddo, I've played a game (in my head, and sometimes on this here blog) that I like to call How You Know You Have A Newborn.

If I were playing today, it would go something like...

You know you have a newborn when you:

Make it to 2:30 p.m. and are unclear if you've brushed your teeth for the day.


Have to strip in the laundry room on the way out the door because you have spit-up all down down your shirt and somehow down your bra, but you just pat dry your vomititious hair and give a quick sniff test and don't bother with a comb, because you're also simultaneously swatting a centipede-looking bug that has freaked out two out of three children, sending them into shrieking, tear-filled panic attacks.

So you get the idea :)

Now if someone were in the throes of said newborn days (and excellent at playing this game), and barely sat her fanny down for the evening before 9:30 p.m. (for a precious half hour or so), you'd think she wouldn't create more work for herself.

But no.


This here crazy nut decided to go on a brutal pantry purge this week. A major overhaul that was completed tonight. And can j just say:

It is well. It is well with my soul (now).

I cannot tell you how happy his makes me. Just know that it does oodles of good for my psyche and makes me feel ready for the holiday food onslaught!

All joking aside--organization makes my world go 'round. And I appreciate it even more as a mother (times three!).

And though some of my friends and family house guests go nuts because I'm slightly OCD, and I prefer to clean and contain the chaos myself, it is truly how I stay sane. The process is like my therapy, so consider me one contended lady right now.

All my kiddos are feeling a bit better, I think, and sickness aside, we've had a lovely week together. SO looking forward to the weekend and Daddy's help, though.


P.S. Love watching my kiddos interact with one another these days.

P.P.S. A preview of our playroom Christmas tree that I'll post more pics of soon.

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