Sunday, November 1, 2015

Post-Halloween Heist

Today, after lunch, Chica was unusually quiet while I was loading the dishwasher. 

(Translation: up to something.)

I knew she'd gone in the direction of the piano room, so I rounded the corner quietly to conduct a little reconnaissance.

And what did I find?

My precious firstborn sitting under the piano. With her Halloween pumpkin bucket.

Honey, are you okay?

Leamme alone.

I just wanted to see what you were up to. Whatcha doing?


Honey, you're not in trouble. What are you doing? she asks as she moves closer and identifies empty candy wrappers. Then laughs.

The cute little booger had busted into some Rollos.

I'm kind of impressed she did so well removing the foil wrapping. 

And I gotta say--excellent taste in chocolate (and hilariously cute chocolate smile).

Love this child (and my other beautiful two) like mad.

Happy Post-Halloween/Daylight Savings Day, peeps

(Translation: The Only Sunday We'll Ever Make It To The Early Church Service

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