Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Frozen Fever Dress--AT LAST!

So...I haven't posted much about Chica's potty training on this here blog for two reasons:

First, I kinda sorta felt like her future self might be wildly embarrassed by the knowledge that I detailed every teeny tiny step of the process...but then reminded myself that I posted about every single bowel movement she had as a newborn and decided I'd already screwed the pooch. Whoopsies. 

But second, and more importantly--THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO NEWS TO POST.

Until today, my friends.

So to get you up to speed: Chica started wearing pull-up diapers about a century ago, and we forced her to start sitting on the potty about thirty years ago. It was ginormously unsuccessful for months and months and months and months in that she protested LOUDLY and HYSTERICALLY and our pediatrician just said fuggedaboudit for a few months, and so we did. Oh, and I should state for the record that it's not like she would sometimes go on the potty and then have accidents, she just never EVER, not even ONCE would give it a go. She's a willful little bugger, that one.

But...time went by and we knew we were just going to have to lay down the law. And since she's more than old enough to get the drill and needed an ultimatum, we decided over this Christmas break we would just take away her diapers and start her in undies.

(Oh, and it's important to note that our choice of bribery for MONTHS has been the fancy dancy Elsa Frozen Fever dress (you know, the dress Elsa magically whips up for Anna's birthday celebration [see below]). was D-day (P-day??), and...


You SEE that brilliant smile??? Our girl DID IT!!!

One tiny accident first thing this morning did the trick, and the rest of the day was easy peasy and uber-successful.

(And, for the record, yes, I did in fact snap a pic of her next to the potty after her victory but shall refrain from posting under the guise that I have just an ounce of class and restraint [funny, I almost got through typing that without snorting]).

Needless to say, after she went, the hubby and I threw a FREAKING PARADE in her honor, and then I immediately whisked her away to the mall for her prized dress.

We couldn't even wait until we made it home to put it on.

I mean, she was absolutely enchanted.

More pics of it in the days to come, I have NO doubt, since she conned me into napping in it and begged (unsuccessfully) to sleep in it tonight. Precious.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not totally delusional (well, at least not about this, ha). I know one day does not a potty trained child make. BUT, my girl is smart as a whip and by far old enough to breeze through from now on if she sets her mind to it.

So here's hoping we can soon start buying just two sizes of diapers for this household instead of three!

AMEN, HALLELUIAH AND PRAISE JESUS, for this breakthrough!

What a great way to cap off 2015.

Over and out.

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