Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ick Updates

Aaaaaand, here we go:

After waking yesterday to find Chica's rash worse and no sign of it in the other two, we paid a visit to the doctor and discovered that she did, in fact, have an allergic reaction to her amoxicillin from two weeks ago and not hand, foot and mouth disease, as I originally suspected when the rash was contained to specific areas. Oye.

She is now covered head to toe in said rash (that she claims does not itch, though she scratches once in a blue moon).

However...I'm pleased to report that Monday was her low point (I know this because that evening she said the words, "I'm tired. I want to go to sleep," and I keeled over from shock).

She's improving daily from her viral cough/congestion ick, though the rash fluctuates and will hang around awhile.

Further evidence of her improvement: she requested dinner tonight at 5:30 on the dot, and even requested spaghetti, ha. Then during said spaghetti dinner (who am I, if not accommodating??), she requested that we bake cookies.

And so we did.

Sure, I had to improvise with whole wheat flour and a mix of white and milk chocolate chips, as we're desperately in need of a grocery run. But Chica did not complain. Nor did Chicklet :)

Now, speaking of Chicklet. Poor, sweet, crazy girl smiles a big game, but she's at her low point (I hope) right now. The congestion ick is getting to her quite a bit and she can only keep her motor running so long (but then isn't sleeping well).

I soooooo hope she shows some slight improvement tomorrow, my sweet girl. And in the meantime, I'm not gonna complain about the rare nighttime cuddles I just got with her when I had to go up there and dose her again.

Love that kid.

And last but not least--my sweet, suffering baby boy. He ain't great. At his low point (I hope), too.

I've never had a baby with congestion this young, and it's just heartbreaking to listen to, though he's also handling it like a champ.

I suspect it will be another long night--as it was last night--but I shall willingly act as his pillow and/or food supply whenever the heck he wants my service.

I soooo hope my babies (and I, and the hubby!) feel better SOON!

In the meantime...Lysol, Lysol, LYSOL!

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