Friday, January 29, 2016

Like A Unicorn Sighting

So, the other day, I was trying to locate a couple pics of my sweet, crazy Chicklet, so I could compare them to those of her maternal grandpa (who I think she looks a lot like). And I was astonished at how far back into my camera roll I had to scroll to find a single shot of her, solo, truly smiling, without any blur. It was coco-nuts!

I mean, sure, I capture a decent handful of her halfway smiling. And I get tons of her with her siblings--sometimes smiling for real. But the fact is--my girl just rarely stops moving and is disinclined to acquiesce (name that movie!) to a posed, solo shot for her Mama.

In fact, more often than not, when I say, "cheeeeeeese!" she slaps her hands over her face, like this:

The tiny (cute) bugger.

Maybe she thinks I'm obnoxious, ha. Or too silly with the prompts for smiles. And I know for a fact she hates a camera flash--so it's a good thing I don't ever use one.


I can't let her defeat me!

I never want her to look back on all these dang posts and wonder why the heck there are three shots of Chica for every one of her! I love her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes--plus a gazillion times more.

And I love a challenge.

'Tis personal now.

Game on.

Point one for Mama today:

I love my beautiful girl.

And I love the weekends.

Have a happy one, peeps :)

P.S. Pirates of the Caribbean 

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