Friday, January 8, 2016

The Extraordinary Ordinary

With three kiddos under(foot), under the age of four, there are puh-lenty of challenges (if only I had a few extra hands, a few more hours in the day, a laundry service, a personal chef, a robot to sweep 24/7 to keep the dust bunnies from multiplying on my floor....)

But, as I find myself thinking about the coming year and the milestones we will mark, I focus far more--as I usually do--on the simple joys of having them home with me.

In particular, one of my very favorite pleasures is the peacefulness of our early mornings.

With no kids yet in preschool and no scheduled activities on the books until 10 am, we are free to enjoy the wake-up process at a leisurely pace.

We snuggle, we read books, we hide under blankets, we just love on one another. And on Thursdays, if we're by the windows when the trash truck rolls by, we stop what we're doing and just watch.

I thank God every day for the presence of mind to bask in these little things. And perhaps I'm appreciating things even more, knowing that, at some point in 2016, Chica will begin preschool.

The dominos will start to fall, schedules will be kept, siblings will be hauled out of bed and into cars.

These changes are inevitable and part of an important growth process.

But for now, I'm so grateful to cast those timelines aside and just be.

With my babies. In our cocoon. In these precious, uneventful moments.

Happy Weekend, peeps.

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