Monday, February 1, 2016

18 Weeks

Woohoo!!! We're back in business!!

Had to do a little troubleshooting, but I fixed the picture upload problem. I'll just go ahead and post the weekly pics of little guy today and catch up on the weekend a bit later, m'kay? M'kay. (*Thumbs up.)

Heeeere he is with his sister posse (aka: prop masters, facialists and torture artists):

And here he is, happily un-manhandled ;)

His four-month check up is tomorrow, and other than the "joy" of dragging my three-ring circus to the doctor's office, I'm kinda pumped to get his measurements. He just seems to be growing like a weed!

In other news, he's flipping like a pro now! Won't really stay on his back if I set him down. Flips right on over to his tummy, the little stud--much to the ongoing amusement of his sisters.

He's just such a happy, good-natured baby boy (contented sigh).

Other happenings from today:

As it was the first day of February, we kicked off the 14 days of little treats the kiddos get in these little Valentine's envelope thingies (technical term) I bought last year.

Today's treat; these fun, silly watches:

Then we met Daddy for our standing Monday lunch date, and after such a wonderful family weekend, the kiddos were super-duper-über happy to be reunited with him, 'cause a few morning hours was just too long of a separation--ha.

And then later this afternoon, the girlies got nice and fancy.

I just love my crazy bunch 'o coconuts!

Happy Monday, peeps!

Wish us a quiet and calm doctor's appointment mañana!

P.S. A bonus tidbit--little did I know that giving Chica a watch would lead to me running around with her after dark on a superhero mission, just like the PJ Masks ("into the night to save the day!") since they wear armband/watches that activate their superhero gear. 

You can't tell, but we're wearing masks, wings, the whole getup. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I'm bonkers ;) and I couldn't care less, because it was heavenly running around and playing make-believe with her before bath time.

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