Monday, February 8, 2016

19 Weeks

So, this morning, I woke when my alarm went off, and none of my babes were awake.

So I sang a joyful rendition of The Hallelujah Chorus, snoozed for ten, delicious minutes, and woke to the sight of this on the monitor:

My cute, littlest booger was staring straight at the camera...whilst in a state of undress.

Apparently, he's taken cues from Chicklet around this age, who liked to squirm out of her clothes ;)

Love that tiny nugget.

He was so cute in his little outfit today, I wanted to munch on his cheeks. They're nice and full right now after a week of some on-and-off cluster feeding. 

He's loading up on lots o' brain food to help with all these tricks he's mastering. Like the art of waking at 3:30 am to flip onto his back and have a party for an hour, like his feet and his bedroom ceiling are the most fascinating objects on earth, ha.

He's so dang adorable.

And I think this pic is just priceless, ha:

He's so sweet and curious these days. But with a side dose of feisty, too. Wouldn't be any fun without that, though.

I love my boy.

Happy Monday, peeps!

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