Thursday, February 25, 2016

Rapunzel Hair

Chica has loooooong (pun intended) been obsessed with Rapunzel hair.

To the point that she uses ribbons, garlands, blankets--anything that could halfway resemble uber-long hair--to try and replicate it.

So I don't know why it never occurred to me to make her some--until we saw somebody with a homemade version last week, and I thought: dude, I could totally do that.

So we made a trip to Hobby Lobby yesterday and scouted out our goods, but I knew it was so not the kind of project I could do with the girlies' "assistance"--unless I wanted somebody (probably me) to end up bound like a mummy.

So I promised, promised, promised Chica I'd work on it last night so that first thing in the morning, it would be waiting for her.

And wouldn't ya know...the little, adorable booger woke at 6:45 this morning (way early for her), calling to me via the monitor, asking if it was time to get up and see it. Which totally made the evening I gave up last night, 1000% worth it :)

Now here's a quick pic so I don't leave you hanging before I rewind and show its creation:


So...using yarn was a given. And I found this extra-soft brand that you just can't help but pet like an animal. (Just me?? Okay, just me.) And then I got lucky enough to find something perfect to secure it on:

I had only a rough plan in mind, and started by cutting equal strips in an arbitrary length until I used up all the yarn. Then divided the pieces into three equal sections for braiding:

Of course, I needed something to secure the pieces to whilst braiding--so, hello, baby swing assistant:

Unfortunately, the swing, well, swung. Ha. So I had to con the hubby into helping, without actually telling him how long he would be sitting there ;)

He only complained a bit, ha.

After the loooong braid was complete, I centered it, and then secured it to the bridal headband (via hot glue), and then twisted the remaining length into a sort of spiral to make it pretty. The flowers were the flair we just had to have--because the Rapunzel in the recent, Disney-movie version, Tangled, has flowers in her hair when it's braided.

Of course, her braid was much thicker, but it wouldn't taken years to cut that many pieces of yarn, and then it would've been heavy on Chica's little head. But I think ours turned out so dang cute--and I had bunches of flowers from prior projects just hanging out in a craft box, begging to be included :)

It was so fun to give it to her this morning. I decided to do it before Chicklet was out of bed so she wouldn't be too jealous, since I only had time last night to make the one (though I bought the supplies for two, to be fair). And luckily, it was never an issue today--whew. Sweet Chicklet still doesn't dig hair clips and headbands for longer than two seconds, so I think I'm safe for now.

So here Chica is, checking it out (hi, Little Man in the background):

And, of course, she wanted to put on her Rapunzel princess dress to complete the ensemble:

I'm so glad it turned out so well, seems pretty sturdy, and brought her so much joy.

A project well worth the effort!

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

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