Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Highs & Lows of Daylight Savings

My scientific Mama conclusions for the day:

-Spring Daylight Savings is less brutal than Fall, despite the loss of that one hour, because you gain light, and the season just feels more awake with fun and possibility

-Regardless of my prior conclusion, Daylight Savings of any kind still suuuuuuucks with kiddos (at least mine)

I've had some cranky pants 'round my house--not to mention, sleepy cranky pants.

Case in point: this is what I discovered when making the rounds this morning...

A asleep, asleep and asleep. 

And nobody appreciated my presence. Ha.

(I know what you're thinking. Why the heck didn't I just let them sleep?? It's a slippery slope, my friends, between giving them a bit of leeway and screwing myself over for nap time and bed time. Very tricky balance. Sigh.)

But, of course, once awake, they quickly recovered--with the help of snuggles and giggles.

And here's the major upside to the extra light--our beloved post-dinner/pre-bath family walks. My very favorite.

Random, gorgeous, blooming vine we walked past:

And another random--my Little Man, still sleepy when I had to wake him this afternoon. He burrowed into my heck and said: leave me alone. Ha.

And I did leave him alone...just long enough to snap this pic of his feet, that I nearly nibbled on.

Tomorrow's Hump Day, which means we might be halfway to time change acclimation.

I hope.


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