Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Babe In Arms

So, this is a couple days old...but on Sunday, my Little Man was so tired at brunch, that he fell asleep in my arms as soon as I got him in a comfortable position and got a little sway action going:

It was a shock and a rare, rare thing, as the hubby and I just don't breed babies that fall asleep in public like that--and especially not out of their car seats--past the early infancy months. 

Maybe the new baby carrier I'm using that forces him to face inward more often than not has been a good influence. Because he still falls asleep in it during long walks or errands--if he's fed and due for a nap.

Or maybe it's a boy baby thing? Snuggled against Mama's bosom is all they need? Ha.

Either way, I'm grateful. It's been a lifesaver for him to occasionally be an on-the-go napper in a way the girls never were. And it certainly made last Sunday's church service easier to tackle after he'd had some brief shut-eye (thank you, God).

It's the small things, peeps. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet picture. Love seeing your face with your sweet baby!
