Sunday, April 3, 2016

Birthday Bounce House!

So, I've been a little light on the posting this week, because, well, we've been BUSY.

Having fun, mostly :)

Celebrating Chicklet's second birthday to its fullest (obviously), and fitting in the random errands, appointments and must-do's while extra pairs of hands are in town (hello, grandparents!).

It really has been a whirlwind of crazy wonderful things, and I have no doubt this coming week is going to seem tame and a bit boring by comparison.

But...for tonight, let's relive our fantastic family Saturday and Chicklet's final birthday hoorah...the princess castle/slide BOUNCE HOUSE! :)

Originally, the plan was to have this be the cherry on top of the dance class play date/party. But thunderstorms that day made it a no-go.

We thought about canceling it altogether, but honestly, it was Chicklet's gift from us, and we knew she'd have a blast--and perhaps even get more bounce/slide time without a gaggle of other kids to have to share with.

So...we rebooked it for Saturday and it worked perfectly :)

They came to set it up before 8 am, and we actually got to keep it for 24 hours.

So mid-morning, after breakfast and what not, we took the girlies outside and let them loose.

It was a huge hit (shocker, I know).

It had a fun basketball hoop inside, as well as a climbing thingie (technical term) leading up to the slide.

Chicklet was in heaven :) Which was exactly the point!

And Daddy was in traction (only a slight understatement), after playing just as hard as the girlies ;)

It was so fantastic to be able to play for a bit, then regroup for a couple of presents and food, and then head back out later.

Call it our half time ;)

After nap time, we continued the fun...

And even brought Little Man inside the jump zone (clearly, he hated it).

And one of the girls' neighbor friends came over to play, too.

And then there was the bonus fun of some hula hooping ;)

I'm so so glad we didn't cancel the whole bounce plan, and I'm even happier that our casual, non-party, family usage of it worked as hoped--with tons of smiles and special play time on a gorgeous day.

So, yay, bounce house!

And thus endeth Chicklet's birthday celebration.

(Onwards we look...Daddy's bday is coming up!)

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