Monday, April 25, 2016

Model Minions

Helloooooo, and Happy Monday, peeps!

Today, we had an awesome combo of casual play and productive marathon naps from my apparently wiped kiddos.

But before we get to my creepster Mama's-watching-her-babes-sleeping pics, lemme show you our adorable, wee project:

The girlies love Minions, so when I saw this last week in Target, I snagged it.

Chica was totally into the making of them. Chicklet was totally into the finished product.

And I'm not gonna lie--I'm pretty dang proud of them, if I do say so myself ;)

Chicklet sort of had a major meltdown when I tried to not let her hold the little guy (for fear of squishing--at least until they dried and hardened a bit). But, hey, what are they for if not to enjoy?? So after soothing, a paci, and a lesson in gentleness...she got what she wanted :)

They're hilariously cute. Just like the movies ;)

We were super sad we didn't have enough yellow to make the third of the main Minion characters. Maybe someday. But for now, Stuart and Bob are happy in the playroom.

Okay, now for the sleeping babes--who all slept so soundly, and all at the same time (choirs of angels--and Mama--rejoiced, as that's pretty rare these days!)

Unfortunately, the girlies are both congested again, so I think their bodies were stocking up for illness' sake. And Little Man is just pretending he's too big for a morning nap these days, ha. Not complaining (well, at least not right this moment), since it made him my snuggle buddy for awhile. Sigh.

He even stayed out like a light when I transferred him to his crib to go rouse the girlies when it was time.

Love, love, love my beautiful, precious babes.

And I love a good household nap!

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