Wednesday, April 6, 2016

To Keep Her Entertained

Sometimes it's awesomesauce being a younger sibling.

Like when you get to bounce on big sister's bed and steal all of her big-girl toys.

And sometimes, it's not.

Like when you have to sit through your older sister's dance class each week when you'd really really like to be in the studio yourself (Soon, my beloved girl. Soon).

But when your Mama gives you treats to help pacify you, things ain't so bad.

So here's my I'm-The-World's-"Best"-Mother shot for this week:

Yep. That's a sucker in her hand and a bag of Jelly Belly's in her lap.

And, yep. She entertained herself quite a bit by utilizing brother's vacated car seat.

Hey. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


Happy Hump Day, peeps.

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