Monday, May 16, 2016

33 Weeks

So this morning, I sat the kids down and told them Mama was taking a sick day, there was food in the pantry, and they should just play nice amongst themselves until bath time.

But they just stared at me like the crazy lady was talkin' crazy again.

So we just went about our day (with Mama operating at about 25% full-steam ahead).

In related news, I think Chicklet had her low point yesterday, and was slightly (slightly) improved today. Chica is still holding up pretty dang well (knocking on a huge piece of wood), and my poor baby boy is, well, down in the dumps like Mama.

And, he has the double whammy of being this close to cutting his first two teeth :(

I'm hoping they cut through soooon to ease at least some of his discomfort. In the meantime, he still gave some smiles:

And, I'm super proud to report he's trying to sit up all the time, and getting pretty good at it. Until he turns into a weeble-wobble Humpty Dumpty and bongs his head when he falls sideways. Poor guy can't win for losing!

But I made sure to give him extra-special restorative snuggles today. And I don't know who was breathing louder--him or me. Ha.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be better...or at least feel shorter ;)

Over and out.

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