Monday, May 23, 2016

34 Weeks

My beloved Little Man...

My photography assistant...

And the snuggles I very much needed today...

It's been one helluva couple of weeks. Lots of wonderful things. Lots of germs (we're almost recovered). And lots of to-do items (that I'm not marking off my list very well!).

Today's added variable was a power outage at 6:15 am that made for an interesting morning. Never a dull day, right? lists, sickness and unplanned hurdles aside, I'm beyond grateful for my healthy, happy babies.

And I'm proud to report that, at 34 weeks, Little Man has mastered sitting up, is getting stronger with an army crawl, and is picking up his own cereal stars with his pincher grasp.

Triple woohoo!

Happy Monday peeps! And wish me better luck with my Tuesday to-do list :)

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