Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Bit Of A Beatdown

So...I've been a little light on the posting the last few days because, well, this weekend has pretty much kicked my a**.

Sick kiddos, a sick Mama, and a hubby with his back thrown out doesn't exactly spell a recipe for success.

But...nobody likes a whiner. And, hey, I have a couple milestone firsts to report!

First Child To Throw Up

I know, I know--how did we make it four years into parenting without this "joy"? The (dis)honors go to poor Chicklet. Who managed the deed during brunch. In a restaurant. With carpet. Nothin' like getting down on your hands and knees to clean that shite up with wet wipes. On the plus side, she got to finish her pancakes (and yes, she went for 'em) clad in only her diaper. Good thing it was only sixty degrees out.

First In-The-Open Restaurant Poo Change

Yep. It happened. After a particularly tough day, and a baby who shite his pants so bad I had to strip him and "clothe" him from waist down with a linen napkin, I said F it, and changed him right at the table. I'm pretty sure nobody on the patio where we sat was disturbed, or even noticed. But we were right up against a rather large window, with a lot o' patrons who probably didn't care for that particular appetizer, but hey. What the hell.

Gonna be a fun week, peeps.

Let's hope my NyQuil kicks in.

But in the meantime, enjoy these pics (of my babies, who I love--even when they drive me to my limits), since I know it's what you really want ;)

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