Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Book Brain

Okay, so, it's a truth commonly known to all who have met me that the joys in my life can pretty much be summed up like this:

1. Family
2. Books
3. Coffee/Chocolate/Celebrity Gossip
4. Cleaning/Organizing (Lame, but true.)

And though I usually just focus on the kiddos on this here blog, tonight we're gonna talk about books. Books, books, books.

So...reading is not just one of the great joys in my life, it's also a great source of sanity for me.

From approximately 11-midnight (give or take--usually, take--an hour), I savor that Me Time where the entire household is asleep, I'm snuggled in bed with my Nook, and I have no interruptions, no chores, nobody needing me.

Despite people always lecturing me about this routine, it is well worth the sleep it costs me to allow myself that nightly time for myself and my imagination and my brain.

I probably read about a book a week and rarely come across one I don't like, but every once in a blue moon, I get sucked into an obsessive reading frenzy over one I just fall madly in love with. And that soooooo happened this weekend.

Drum roll, puh lease, as I give you the source of my current Book Brain:

I know all you straight-laced readers out there are looking at this cover and saying: nope; not for me. But oh-hoooo, is it AMAZEBALLS.

It's the second in a series that I'd describe as a very loose reimagining of Beauty and the Beast, but set in a world of Fae. The first book in the series was pretty good, maybe even mildly great...and then the second book came along and TOTALY BLEW ME AWAY.

It's officially YA, but daaaaang is it a sexy book. I. Could. Not. Put. It. Down.

In line at the Chick-fil-A drive through for two minutes? Pulling up the Nook app on my phone, and...reading.

Nursing Little Man for five minutes? Reading.

Standing outside the bathroom, waiting for Chica to start washing her hands (because she can't--just can't, Mama--until the toilet is done running)? Reading.

Up IRRESPONSIBLY late until 4am? Reading, reading, READING.

No joke. I pulled a three-day 3am, 4am, 2am run to finish this thing. And when I did, I immediately started over and am giving myself the rest of this week to linger with these characters before I have to cut it off and clear the fog and move on.

But how lucky am I that this book came along during a holiday weekend when schedules were looser, extra helping hands were around, and I didn't have to feel guilty about indulging my attention on something for me? 

Super lucky.

And now, to make you think I don't just read YA fantasy (though I've got no shame on that front!), I'll share three other books I've loved in recent months.

This one was haunting. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. I'm a sucker for historical fiction that's set during WWII (I sometimes forget I earned a college minor in history), and this is among the best I've ever read.

I'm also a sucker for anything to do with the British Monarchy (that minor had an emphasis on European history), so I loved this one:

Think of it as a play on Will & Kate's romance, but with Kate as an American. At first glance, fluffy material, but written with wonderful depth, humor (the Prince Harry equivalent in this book was a riot)--and such an amazing insight into the British Royal family that I thought for sure it had to be written by someone in-the-know. But, nope. Two American gals. Enjoyed it so much I re-read parts a second time immediately after finishing (have I mentioned I have trouble letting go of good books???).

And, lastly, I lurv me some good, dirty romance, and this series is now a new favorite of mine in that genre:

The general premise is that three girlfriends go to Vegas, go nuts and marry three dead sexy lads. And each book in the series follows the aftermath of one couple as the navigate the repercussions whilst gettin' it on. A lot. The writing is laugh-out-loud funny at times, but also heartfelt and so realistic, you wanna be in their girlfriend circle. Win/win/win.

Okay, I now feel like I've fulfilled a great public service by sharing my book joy--and now I'm off to bust out my Nook again!

Peace out, peeps, and happy reading to any bookworms like me!

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