Thursday, May 5, 2016

Brownie Flowers!

Yesterday, we finally got around to baking up these sweet, little treats--courtesy of that three-month trial service we'd found:

My little helpers laid out the cupcake liners...

And mixed up the ingredients (stopping for lots of taste tests)...

And kept a watchful eye as the brownies baked :)

Then hours later, after nap time, we reconvened for the assembly.

It took us a few tries to get everything just right so that the white "flower petal" part balanced just right. 

But it was worth the trial runs, because the girlies were super excited by the finished product.

Though, by that point, they were pretty slap-happy because they were sampling their fair share of suckers, ha.

They were the cutest pair, getting a kick out of one another.

And the treats were pretty darn cute, too.

We packaged some up and delivered them to our neighbors, which, of course, was a joy for them and us.

And then Chicklet carried one brownie flower on our walk to the pond, and looked just about as adorable as all get-out.

Yay, for yummy distractions for little hands.


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