Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sort of Staycation--Day 2

Hellooooo, and happy it's-not-the-end-of-the-weekend-yet Sunday!

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we've been having a sort of Staycation 'round these parts for the holiday weekend, since our previously-scheduled trip was canceled due to weather.

And Day 2 of said Staycation (yesterday) gave us the gift of a movie, a bloom, and some reverse order.

So starting with the end of the day ('cause I'm a rebel like that)--the hubby and I got to escape for a late movie that was awesomesauce for the following reasons:

-we both went in sweatpants
-we both wore tennis shoes
-I went with wet hair and no makeup
-the movie didn't even start until almost 10 (as in, PM), so that we could put the kids down as usual, so we were super impressed we stayed awake
-especially since we were in one of those fancy-pants theaters with reserved, reclining seats
-and blankets
-and pillows
-and free popcorn
-and a waiter who brought us dessert and coffee 

Can I get an Amen for a movie out--even if the movie itself was only so-so.

Next up in reverse order--this happened:

That's right! Our glorious, new magnolia trees are still alive, and after about six weeks of bloom watch, the one and only bud we'll probably have this year opened up. 

And we all hopped out of the car to celebrate and smell it (and the scent was loverly). Poor brother was asleep in his car seat, so he missed it. But we love him to bits anyway. And, yes, Chicklet was naked (more on that in a sec).

And finally, in the reverse order of our day, we got our science and nature on and finally went here:

The Perot Museum of Science and Nature :)

I would guesstimate that in the two hours we were there, we only saw about 10 percent of the place, which would drive some people nuts for the price of admission, but it worked great for us.

The kiddos got to play with water...


Explore from the floor...

Whilst looking so dang cute...

Hop on musical stairs...

And the highlight--race a cheetah.

I can't tell you how PERFECT this bit was for Chica, since she's been racing around our house for nearly a year, saying she's a cheetah. So when we saw this exhibit that lets you pick an animal to race, we were all giddy.

Here Daddy, Chica and Chicklet are, preparing to get their run on...

And off they go!


Chica was enamored.

And then, after a food break, she was overjoyed to finally get her splash on in this area we'd seen when making our way in (and, hence, Chicklet's naked, cute self in the magnolia pic, since she was an enthusiastic splasher).

So, yay for breaking up the routine with some fun!

Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. This is Awesome. I going to share this with other blogger friends so that they could also participate :)...
