Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday Temporary Insanity

This is your brain on drugs (wait, no, that's not right, let me try again). 

This is your face with an eye patch to make you look like a pirate with your nutty-beloved daughters, who have no idea how weary and slap-happy you are, and who do not care):

Please note: the above picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post--and come to think of it, this post has nothing to do with anything--but just roll with it.

So my deep thoughts for tonight:

1. I'm donating or selling my baby items like hot cakes, just as fast as I'm done with them, and it's quite cleansing (and to those people who tell me it's bad luck for getting knocked up again--I'll have far greater issues to contend with should that happen than buying new baby gear). 

2. Today's item out the door--a bassinet none of my babies really slept in, but that was great as a catch-all in our master bedroom. Now where will I put all my folded clothes and junk that doesn't have a home???

3. One of the girls dragged off a yellow hair clip that I was going to put on Chicklet this evening, and I just now found it clipped to the eye mask I wear while sleeping.

4. Yep. I sleep in an eye mask.

5. My feet are so bone-weary tired, I want to ice them.

6. Can someboy come wash all my kiddos car-seat pads, paying special attention to the boogies on Chica's arm rest?? Thankyouverymuch.

7. Last weekend, the hubby saw a mobile ad for an errand service and seriously thought about paying someone to pick up his car and take it for an oil change.

8. For the record, he didn't. But that's just.how.overwhelmed.busy.we've.been.of.late.

9. I needed a pedicure about two (hundred) months ago.

10. And my hair lady actually called a couple months ago, slightly concerned, since I dropped off the face of her earth six months ago.

11. Boxed hair dye, you are now my friend.

I love my crazy busy life with three über-young kiddos. But I wouldn't mind an easy day tomorrow.


Over and out.

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