Tuesday, June 28, 2016

39 Weeks & First Haircut

Hellooooo, peeps, and Happy Tuesday!

I am officially tuckered out (that's my polite way of saying BONE WEARY TIRED) tonight, but wanted to share some pics of my Little Man from yesterday :)

His hair is starting to grow a bit more, and was getting adorably wild. (I mean, seriously, how cute is he???)

So since the girls were due for a little trim, I just added him to the roster, too ;)

He did so great, though of course, was a bit squirmy. So the cut is a bit hilarious in front, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to make him look anything but gobble-him-up adorable.

Heeeere he is for his official pic.

With his handler to keep him from launching off the chair ;)

Oh, and he's decided to try stairs these days--which is awesome and terrifying, ha.

My boy is growing SO FAST, and I love him so.

More manana!

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